
Preston Primary (VC) School

Love, Learn, Aspire

"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14

Science Celebration

With National Science week this week, instead of Golden Assembly we took the opportunity to celebrate the science that we have been undertaking during the week.  We had had a particular focus on investigations and developing our scientific enquiry skills.

 It was a real pleasure to see the children sharing their learning in:

In Reception they shared their investigations into minibeasts – who knew that minibeasts are currently in hiding - even when being tempted by sugar!

In Class One they had been looking at plants, with a walk in Wain wood looking for signs of Spring! Followed by an investigation which turned their white flower green.

Class Two investigated and found out that on average a person’s arm span measures the same as their height.

Class Three were looking into the best materials to use for an astronauts gloves.  I learnt that  insulation in a space suit needs to keep your body temperature between 36°C and 39°C.


We also managed to present two star badges, so congratulations and well done to the recipients of a silver and gold badge.
