
Preston Primary (VC) School

Love, Learn, Aspire

"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14

Our Curriculum

Curriculum Intent

At Preston Primary School we are committed to providing our children with a broad and balanced curriculum which supports the development of key skills in reading, writing, communication and maths as well as preparing children to be lifelong learners in the 21st century and beyond. We have designed a curriculum that is inclusive to all and accessible to those with SEND in line with the school's equality plan. It is based on Chris Quigley's Essentials Curriculum to focus on skills development and teaching essential characteristics for each subject (threshold concepts). Our curriculum is designed to take into account our prior learning and provide children with the opportunities to broaden their experience and understanding of our rich and diverse society. We intend to use the rich natural resources we have in our local community to support learning.

Curriculum Implementation
Learning takes place through a range of adult-led and child-initiated activities, increasing in formality as our children progress through the school. Children are prepared to meet the expectations of national standards but this is not done to the exclusion of other subjects and it is part of our school ethos to keep the child at the centre of everything we do.

As we have mixed age classes, we meet the coverage requirements of the National Curriculum through the use of a two year rolling plan.


Rolling Programme

To ensure full coverage of the curriculum as set out in the National Curriculum, Preston follows a two year rolling programme. This enables teachers to plan for mixed-age classes whilst ensuring coverage of National Expectations. We are currently following Year A. Please click on each subject for more information.

Class overviews and newsletters

For class overviews and newsletters, please see the class pages.

Developing our curriculum

Please note that we are in the process of improving our curriculum and there may be changes from time to time. Please check regularly for any changes. Teachers may decide to change some topics to reflect the children's interests or gaps in their learning.

At the start of term each class publishes details about what theme they are covering that term and an overview of the content of the different subjects. These can be found on the class curriculum pages.

British Values


We are committed to uphold key British Values. Throughout the school, in class and as a whole school community we ensure that children have an understanding of the key British Values.

We are a Bikeability School
