
Preston Primary (VC) School

Love, Learn, Aspire

"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14

W/b 20th November 2023

We had a wonderful time dressing up for our 'Great Fire of London' day this week! We started the day listening to some 17th century music and used pencil to draw ourselves in our costumes. We then looked at some pictures to help us find clues about the fire and discussed our ideas. After that, we 'paid' for our fruit using pennies from the fruit and vegetable seller on Pudding Lane! In Art we did some lino painting of flames and created a large background for our wooden houses. In the afternoon, we acted out the outbreak of the fire to music and sang 'London's Burning'. We went outside and passed a bucket of water down the line without spilling it (quite difficult) and played the Museum of London Great Fire of London quiz!
