
Preston Primary (VC) School

Love, Learn, Aspire

"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14

W/b 24th April 2023

This week we have taken some of our learning outside. On Monday, we chalked some famous landmarks onto the playground. We found out some of the answers to the questions we asked about London last week and made notes in our English books. We then used our notes to help write non-chronological reports about London. In Science, we went outside and looked at the trees growing in the school grounds. We used our observational skills to draw the trees, labelled them and measured the length and width of the leaves. We enjoyed taking part in our Games lesson outside too! In RE, we have been learning about special books and this week, we enjoyed looking at a selection of Bibles and then acted out the story of the Good Samaritan.
