
Preston Primary (VC) School

Love, Learn, Aspire

"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14

W/b 29th April 2024

Our creature visitors continue to enthrall the children. Our caterpillars have now made chrysalis', so we are eagerly watching for them to hatch. We have released the tadpoles into the pond to allow them to grow and change but will visit to spot any froglets. In Maths we are learning our numbers from 11 to 20 and have played many missing number and counting games. We are focusing on the book Handa's Surprise over the next few weeks and have retold the story and looked at the animals and country of Kenya. We will plan a fruit kebab, using some of the fruits in the story, to make next week. We had a lovely walk to the woods to see the bluebells and to use our senses to experience the woods. In continuous provision, the children have been role playing vets!
