
Preston Primary (VC) School

Love, Learn, Aspire

"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14


The Governing Board is part of the Leadership and Management of the school and works within the Department for Education and Local Authority guidelines. Together we represent a broad spectrum of occupations and bring invaluable community experience and expertise to the leadership of Preston.


The board has three core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.


Our school governors meet regularly; Full Governing Board meetings are held four times a year and are supported by regular Business and Curriculum Committee meetings. 


Our Business and Curriculum teams meet termly, with our subject lead governors making regular visits to the school to undertake learning walks for their subjects.  

Business Committee Chair: Mr Oliver. Clarke

Curriculum Committee Chair: Mr Daniel. Robson

Roles & ResponsibilitiesFull NameTerm startTerm endVoted in byRegister of business and pecuniary interests 

Co-Chair of governors/Co-opted governor

PPG/Sports PP, SEND, EYFS, CLA/PCLA, PM & Appeals

Mr. Gillan Ide






Safeguarding Lead, Health & Safety, Wellbeing, Music & PM

Mrs. Inneke Luitingh01/01/19N/AN/ANone

Foundation governor 

Collective Worship, RE & Appeals

Revd. Stephen Fielding26/11/19N/AN/ANone

Staff governor


Mrs. Suzy Trott18/02/2117/02/25StaffNone

Co-Chair of governors, LA governor

Equality, Health & Safety, PM

Mrs. Jo Wilde01/01/2031/12/23GovernorsNone

Co-opted governor

Safeguarding & Science

Dr. Claire Grout15/06/2214/06/26GovernorsNone

Parent governor

Business Committee Chair, PSHE, Maths, Anti-bullying 

Mr. Oliver Clarke03/11/2202/11/26ParentsNone

Parent governor

Curriculum Chair, The Arts, English, GDPR

Mr. Daniel Robson03/11/2202/11/26ParentsNone
ClerkMr. John Conlon    


Becoming a Governor


School governors come from every walk of life. There is no requirement for you to have an educational background, indeed it is desirable to have a variety of skills and backgrounds on the Governing Board. 


Preston Primary School welcomes new Governors to join the team as this always brings a fresh perspective into the Governing Board. 


So what would I have to do?


  • Show committment by attending meetings (full governing body and committee meetings)
  • Attend training when needed
  • Work as a member as part of a team without self-interest
  • Make visits to the school during the school day so you can know our school
  • Have the best interests of the school at heart


If you are interested in becoming a governor and you are a parent of a child or a member of the wider community and would like to apply to join the Preston governing body please contact the school office. We'd love to hear from you! 

Full Governor Body Meeting Attendance Record

Gillan IdeCo-optedYYYYYY
Inneke LuitinghHTYYYYYY
Revd Stephen FieldingFOUYYApolsApolsApolsApols
Suzy TrottSTFYYYYApolsApols
Claire GroutCo-optedYYYYYY
Oliver ClarkePARYYYYYY
John ClarkPAR------
Lee Martin PAR------


Governors who have left the board within the last 12 months


RoleNameTerm startTerm end
Parent governorMrs. Louise Hodgson01/01/1931/08/23

Instrument of Governance
