
Preston Primary (VC) School

Love, Learn, Aspire

"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14

Religious Education

We follow the EYFS Statutory Framework 2022 (Reception) and Hertfordshire Syllabus for Religious Education. We teach the curriculum through the Chris Quigley's Essentials Curriculum to ensure our pupils develop the skills needed, as well as teaching children the essential characteristics in order to help them develop in this subject. Our curriculum shows a progression in skills, ensuring pupils can meet the milestones for each key stage before moving on to the next step in their learning.  Threshold Concepts for Religious Education underpin the skills taught to ensure children can develop a thorough knowledge of RE.


Essential Characteristics

• An outstanding level of religious understanding and knowledge.

• A thorough engagement with a range of ultimate questions about the meaning and significance of existence.

• The ability to ask significant and highly reflective questions about religion and demonstrate an excellent understanding of issues related to the nature, truth and 

value of religion.

• A strong understanding of how the beliefs, values, practices and ways of life within any religion cohere together.

• Exceptional independence; the ability to think for themselves and take the initiative in, for example, asking questions, carrying out investigations, evaluating ideas 

and working constructively with others.

• Significant levels of originality, imagination or creativity, which are shown in their responses to their learning in RE.

• The ability to link the study of religion and belief to personal reflections on meaning and purpose.

• A wide knowledge and deep understanding across a wide range of religions and beliefs.


Threshold Concepts

  • Understand beliefs and teachings

    This concept involves understanding the key teachings of various religions.

  • Understand practices and lifestyles

    This concept involves understanding the day to day lives and practices of various religions.

  • Understand how beliefs are conveyed

    This concept involves understanding how books, scriptures, readings and other important means of communication are used to convey beliefs.

  • Reflect

    This concept involves an appreciation of how religion plays an important role in the lives of some people.

  • Understand values

    This concept involves an appreciation of how many people place values as an important aspect of their lives.
