Love, Learn, Aspire
"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14
WB 22nd May
After lunch on a wednesday, tuesday and friday we do hitchen town , in summer we usally do football and roundes and for pe we do cricket and rughby. At the end of are rughby season we whill be playing a tag rughby match and in rughby we have been learning to defend and pass a rughby ball. And we had a picture of us on the playground of us standing still .
cricket we have been doing fielding and learning to catch a ball for our fielding skills.
WB 8th May
In P.E. we are now doing cricket and rugby. We have not had many lessons outside because it has been raining.
In rugby, we have been learning to pass a rugby ball.
At lunch we have hitchin town and we have been playing football and dodgeball it is really fun because of our coach who plays football with us.