Love, Learn, Aspire
"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14
The Equality Policy have been developed with staff, pupils, parents and governors. The five objectives reflect each group's views. This will be reviewed annually with the whole community.
Equality objectives
Objective 1
SEND: to ensure that all classrooms are dyslexia friendly by following the dyslexia friendly checklist and vertical timelines are in place to support ASD pupils by Summer 23.
Why we have chosen this objective: We potentially have a higher-than-average number of ASD pupils in the school and want to ensure they can access learning, also, dyslexia-friendly classrooms will ensure that children who are anxious or have other learning difficulties, including ASD, will benefit from this set-up and it will ensure continuity and consistency across the school.
To achieve this objective we plan to:
Progress we are making towards this objective:
AUTUMN 1: Meetings in place with DSPL team.
SPRING 2: Staff CPD relating to dyslexia friendly classrooms.
Summer 2: All classrooms reflect the dyslexia friendly checklist devised in Spring 23.
Objective 2
To have at least one visitor or visit linked to religious studies involving other faiths.
Why we have chosen this objective: As a church school, worship is mainly Christian and we want to ensure that pupils who are not Christian have the opportunity to celebrate their own religion and for all children to learn more about different faiths in our diverse society to prepare them for the next step in their learning.
To achieve this objective we plan to:
Progress we are making towards this objective:
Autumn 2: Whole school Hindu Celebration on 15.11.22
Objective 3
Curriculum: ensure diverse role models are used in lessons by using texts celebrating the diverse community we live in and by referring to key historical figures representing different backgrounds and abilities.
Why we have chosen this objective: As a predominantly white British school, our children need to be prepared for the wider world. This was a key action for the 2021/22 curriculum and as we are following a two-year rolling programme, we have to repeat it for this academic year.
To achieve this objective we plan to:
Progress we are making towards this objective:
Autumn 1: Jigsaw materials are in place and being used in all classes.
Spring 2: Turning disability into possibility assembly and workshop
Objective 4
Train all members of staff and governors involved in recruitment and selection on equal opportunities and non-discrimination by the beginning of the next academic year. Training evaluation data will show that 100% of those attending have a good understanding of the legal requirements.
Why we have chosen this objective:
To ensure all governors and staff involved in recruitment have a good understanding of the legal requirements.
To achieve this objective we plan to:
Progress we are making towards this objective:
Governors have completed Equality training via modern governor
2 x governors Safer recruitment trained
Objective 5
To learn more about different disabilities, physical and mental, in order to understand others.
Why we have chosen this objective:
This was chosen by the pupils of Preston.
To achieve this objective we plan to:
Progress we are making towards this objective:
Autumn 2022: Just Talk week activities
Spring 2023: Turning disability into possibility assembly and workshop
Please click on the link below to access the school's Equality Policy.