Love, Learn, Aspire
"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14
This week Maple started off their learning with a practical history lesson where they made their own pyramids using play dough. They looked at different types of pyramid and had to sculpt their own. They enjoyed creating step and bent pyramids. In Science, they have been making observations of shadows. Thinking about how shadows are made and why some shadows are darker than others. They worked in groups to draw around their own shadows in fun positions! Maple also tested materials to work out how much light they let through - opaque, translucent, transparent. In tag rugby they enjoyed playing tagging games in preparation for their matches next week. They have been working hard in English to express opinions about our class story; the Egyptian Cinderella. They have also used drama to retell the story. In art, they have revised their charcoal sketching skills by sketching their observations of shadows on the field and play ground.