Love, Learn, Aspire
"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14
Contingency Plan
At the moment, our school will only be closed if Public Health England advises the school to do so.
In the event of a positive case at school:
The Headteacher will contact the local health protection team and their advice will be followed.
The decision to open school, or not, will be communicated to staff and communicated to parents via:
Your child's education is important and we will be setting lessons via Google Classroom during national or local lockdown, or for any individual child who have been told to self-isolate by Track and Trace.
National or local lockdown:
All lessons will be closely linked to our curriculum and work will be provided to match the daily timetable. Teachers will provide at least one, ideally two, Google Meets with the children every day and Teaching Assistants will also join the Meets. Daily feedback will be given to children. There will be an expectation that all children participate in one maths, one English and one other subject on a daily basis. All completed tasks will be shared with the class teacher and the Teaching Assistant via Google Classrooms.
In case we also have to provide learning for Key Workers on site, this will impact on our ability to maintain the procedures above but we will inform you of any changes to the above plan.
There are weekly opportunities for pupils to engage in 'remote learning' in class to prepare them for more independent learning. Younger children may need additional support to access learning.
You will also be able to request paper copies of work but there may be a short delay in providing this.