Love, Learn, Aspire
"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14
During the final week of Autumn Term 1 we finished up our topics in Science and Geography. We studied how fossils are formed and used our knowledge to create a timeline for fossilisation. To complete our Topic: Extreme Earth, we finished with a lesson about the Pacific Ring of Fire. We used mapping skills to annotate and identify the edge of the pacific plate and the recent volcanic and earthquake events. In English, we completed our report writing topic by writing up our final pieces about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD. Our final reports are now being displayed in the hall for the whole school to read! In our Art lesson we combined the skills we've learnt to sketch and paint autumn leaves showing tonal change in colour. Our last swimming lesson was this week, the instructors praised us for our good listening skills and high motivation to make the most out of our lessons, everyone achieved a charter award - well done Maple. In Maths we focused our learning on roman numerals. We used straws to create the different letters to help us visualise the numerals. It was also the last week for submissions of our topic homework, Miss Thorpe has been very impressed with the effort that pupils have been putting into their work. With the weather changing we have had some indoor playtimes, check out our photos below to see some of the activities we've been up to. During one of the dry afternoons Miss Thorpe let us spend some extra time outside to build our teamwork skills, we played football and stuck-in-the-mud!