Love, Learn, Aspire
"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14
Written statement of Behaviour Principles
Rationale and purpose:
This Statement has been drawn up in accordance with the Education and Inspections Act 2006, and DfE Guidance (Behaviour in Schools – Advice for Headteachers and school staff: The role of school leaders), DfE guidance: Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools 2018, and the Equality Act 2010.
The purpose of this statement is to provide guidance to the Headteacher when drawing up the school’s Behaviour Policy in order for this policy to reflect the shared beliefs, values and aspirations of the governing board, the staff, the parents and pupils, as well as taking full account for the law. It is important that staff feel supported by the governing board when implementing the school’s Behaviour Policy.
This is a statement of principles, not practice. It is the Headteacher’s responsibility to draw up the Behaviour Policy.
When drawing up the Behaviour Policy, the Headeacher must take the following into account:
The Behaviour Policy must be publicised, in writing, to staff, parents/carers and children each year. It must also appear on the school website.
Preston Primary School Behaviour Principles:
Every pupil has the right to feel and be safe, the right to respect and the right to an education.
All pupils, staff and visitors are free from discrimination.
All adults on site, including volunteers, model good behaviour and respectful relationships.
All adults have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and attitudes to learning to ensure pupils are resilient and self-assured.
The behaviour policy is understood by pupils and staff.
Through restorative conversations, pupils can develop empathy, self-discipline and emotional resilience in order to develop strong systems to self-regulate.
Children should be encouraged to take responsibility for their actions and possible impact of their behaviour on themselves and others.
Staff, in line with the school’s behaviour policy, use rewards, sanctions (consequences) and reasonable force consistently.
Consequences should enable pupils to reflect on, and learn from a situation and to make reparations where possible.
Exclusions and suspensions will only be used as a last resort, as set out in the school’s Exclusion Policy, which outlines the processes involved in suspensions and exclusions.
Families are involved in behaviour incidents to enable the school and the pupil’s family to work together and build good relationships.
The Governing Board emphasises that violence or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated in any circumstances.
Preston’s behaviour principles are built on the Hertfordshire STEPS therapeutic approach:
This written statement and any policies based on this applies to all pupils when in school, when engaged in any extra-curricular activities (residential and non-residential) and travelling to and from school.
The governors wish to emphasise that violence, threatening behaviour or abuse by pupils and/or parents towards school staff will not be tolerated. The school will update the Parent Code of Conduct on an annual basis and this will be shared with parents.