Love, Learn, Aspire
"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14
Welcome to the Maple class page. Here you can find information about our learning, homework and admin.
Welcome to Autumn Term 1! Mathletics homework has been set up for this half term; focusing on place value, addition and subtraction. You will have spellings to learn each week, with a spelling test every Tuesday.
Maple class will be given a spelling test every Tuesday. Please see below the weekly spellings, which they are expected to practise at home.
W/B: 16th September The /ow/ sound spelled ‘ou.’ mouth around sprout sound spout ouch hound trout found proud | W/B: 23rd September The /u/ sound spelled ‘ou.’ touch double country trouble young cousin enough encourage flourish couple | W/B: 30th September The /i/ sound spelled with a ‘y’. gym myth Egypt pyramid mystery symbol synonym lyrics system gymnastics
W/B: 7th October Words with endings that sound like /ze/, are always spelled with ‘-sure’. measure treasure pleasure enclosure displeasure composure leisure exposure closure disclosure
| W/B: 14th October Words with endings that sound like /ch/ is often spelt –’ture’ unless the root word ends in (t)ch. creature furniture picture nature adventure capture future sculpture fracture mixture
| W/B: 21st October Challenge words actual answer bicycle circle earth enough fruit island often |
W/B: 4th November Words with the prefix ’re-’ ‘re-’ means ‘again’ or ‘back.’ redo refresh return reappear redecorate revenge review replay reaction rebound
| W/B: 11th November The prefix ’dis-’ which has a negative meaning. disappoint disagree disobey disable dislike dislocate disappear disadvantage disapprove dislodge | W/B: 18th November The prefix ’mis-’ Another prefix with negative meanings. misbehave mislead misspell mistake misplace misread mistrust misunderstanding misuse mislaid |
W/B: 25th November Adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words of more than one syllable. gardening gardened limited limiting developing developed listening listened covered covering | W/B: 2nd December Adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words of more than one syllable. forgetting forgotten beginning preferred permitted regretting committed forbidden propelled equipped | W/B: 9th December Challenge words. centre decide disappear early heart learn minute notice regular therefore |
Our P.E. days are Wednesdays and Fridays. Please remember to bring your P.E. kit into school on P.E. days. All P.E. kit must be clearly labelled with the child's name.
No jewellery is to be worn; if pupils have pierced ears they must come to school with earrings removed or are able to independently remove earrings and keep then in a safe container for the duration of the lesson.
The appropriate P.E. kit must be worn in order for pupils to be able to take-part in P.E. activities in regards to our P.E. risk assessment.
Please check the current curriculum overview, or ask your child, to identify what Maple are currently learning in P.E. lessons.
Dance: tucked in t-shirts, shorts, leotards, soft rubber soled plimsolls or bare feet, shoulder length hair tied back with soft 'scrunchie'.
Gymnastics: tucked in t-shirts, shorts, leotards, soft rubber soled plimsolls or bare feet, shoulder length hair tied back with soft 'scrunchie'. NB: trainers or only socks are inappropriate for gymnastics activities.
Game Sports: tucked in t-shirts, shorts or tracksuit bottoms, trainers tied with gripping soles, shoulder length hair tied back with soft 'scrunchie'. Footwear with sharp or jagged studs must not be used or worn.
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
The multiplication tables check (MTC) is a statutory for all year 4 pupils in England*.
The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently. The results can support the school in identifying where additional support can be put in place.
Here are some helpful links for parents to support their child in preparation for the test:
*Government website with information on the MTC:
Government website with information for parents on the MTC:
Mock test and information about test questions/ how to revise/ what to expect:
We highly recommend using this resource as often as you can as well as reciting times tables at home to build confidence. We will be using this resource in class to familiarise pupils with the interface of the test. ~ NB this is a free resource and does not require logging in or paying for a subscription. The link above will take you to the page with the mock test and the information about the test ~