
Preston Primary (VC) School

Love, Learn, Aspire

"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14

Virtual Hertfordshire School Games

The Virtual Hertfordshire School Games continues...


Well done to all those of you that took part in the Virtual Pentathlon last week. Results and certificates will be coming soon!


North Herts School Sports Partnership (NHSSP) and School Games now bring you the challenge of Tennis and Cricket!  Over the next two weeks have a go at 'Racket Tap' and 'Paper Smash'.  Details of the activities are attached below.


‘Racket Tap’ will challenge pupils to see how many times they are able to keep hitting up a tennis ball in 2 minutes.  Everyone can take part and we will be sending NHSSP our top four scores from each year group. 


‘Paper Smash’ will challenge pupils to work on the accuracy of their throwing.  Pupils have 2 minutes to score as many points as possible. Again, everyone can take part and we will be sending NHSSP our top four score from each year group.


Please email your results to by 5pm on Thursday 2nd July 2020.
