
Preston Primary (VC) School

Love, Learn, Aspire

"Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14


Summer 2 

Choose from the sessions below. Try one a week. They are full of inspiring ideas.

Faith At Home

Join our weekly collective worship sessions, led by Church of England’s schools and in partnership with those of other faith traditions. Suitable for those of all faiths and none.

On a Victorian Sunday, children went to church and would not be allowed their normal toys. They would not be allowed to draw, play with soldiers, dolls or rocking horses. 

Instead, they were allowed to read Sunday Books or the Bible. they were allowed to play with a Noah's Ark model like these one. 

This week's RE is all about the story of Noah's Ark. watch the cartoon, read the script and then re-enact it. You could draw it, make a model, make a mobile or get all your cuddly animals together and make a photo story.
